Definitions of socionics02.09.2019

Velta Līvija Miķelsone, master in socionics:

Socionics is a science dealing with the interaction between the psyche of human character types and the information coming from the world surrounding them. It explains the relationships between the types, gives reccomendations how to understand and harmonize these relationships at the best. Socionics is structured mathematically and applicable for anyone interested in it.


Vladimir YermakKyiv, Ukraine:

Socionics is an instrumental science, an instrument for studying human psyche. Information and psyche cannot be studied separately.


Aušra Augustinavičūte, Lithuania:

Socionics is a science that has been developed on the basis of theories of personality attributed to C.G.Jung, E.Kretschmer, A.J.Lichko and informative metabolism theory of A.Kępiński and deals with issues related to the world, social nature of a person, social structure of the society, people classified according to different types of informative metabolism (IM) and different forms of relationships..


Grigory Reinin, Russia:

Similarly to mathematics that became a fundamental part of physics, socionics will become a sustainable part of contemporary psychology