What does it mean to believe or not to believe in socionics?02.09.2019

Do you believe that I can predict future by means of sweet wrapper? Similarly, do you believe that I am able to describe your traits of character very precisely through moving some cups and glasses? As well, that I am anble to tell you in what kind of psychological environment you have been living in, looking at your family photos?

Do you want to possess such power as well?

I have gained enough experience for consolidation of my knowledge in a certain system. This system helps me understand the way a person’s character develops and according to what principles the relationship among different types develops. Is it hard to believe? This science has been called socionics. Try cracking it as well! You won’t regret it! Start with these books!

Maybe someone already knows about the book? You will definitely find new – different information in it and answers to your questions. You will understand how to sustain your inner energy; how to believe and trust other people, how to get rid of the fear that someone has put a spell or a course on you. You will understand where your love had flown away, and how to find a companion and loving friend. Eventually you will find common grounds for interact with each and every person. Furthermore, you will understand the reasons why it is so difficult to find common language with children and parents.

Don’t be afraid to be one of the types! It is clear that every person is unique and irreplaceable. Socionics exists for leading you to accept yourself as you are. Making no changes, only applying a knowledge you will discover yourself as a personality and you will get sure of your uniqueness.

Socionics has not been created on the spot; a lot of effort has been put in. As a matter of fact, socionics has been used for a very long time, maybe even throughout the whole existence of the mankind, for instance, when creating nicknames. That is the shortest description of a person, that people give each other not even realizing it. For instance, `Oh! This `striver` will achieve much, but the `shifty` will soap the way up to anywhere! ` The stage called for the `haughty` before she was even born! Twaddler, Boaster, Overwise, Gossip girl, Dreamer, Slowcoach, Slug, Gold digger…` That is all socionics ! This can be defined as the path to understanding, which leads us to mutual comprehension and win-to-win approach.

Could you remember any movie about two queers out of luck? As a matter of fact, any similar movie reflects on their strengths and weaknesses. Where one person is succesful at dealing with something, other people may be on the verge of or at an actual breakdown. Nevertheless, many people laugh while watching a movie, especially if they are familiar with the characters. Their behaviour seems to be known, as it is considered as consider as typical.

There’s a proverb: `A lovely child is fed by two mothers`. How high-minded it does sound! Alas, why can’t everyone be sweet and kind to their closest? For everyone wants to love and be loved! Everyone wants understanding, attention, caresses, tenderness, empathy… But why do desires differ from deeds? Where do hysterics, tears, evil, prohibitions come from? `Is it really so hard to do it how I asked you? Why do you always do everything backwards? ` The most common answer is – `I tried, but…` Some might say – a fool fails to do everything right.

There’s a Polish detective where it is written: `I couldn’t even enter the room, when I already knew that we won’t get along with this person`. That is interesting, even unbelievable – how can it be that you hadn’t even entered the room and already understood? Are those psychic or paranormal powers?

How can it be that such a genius mathematician as Albert Einstein was labeled as backward in school? Where can the link to such an illogical truth be found? Each of us clearly realize our truth and try to find groups to seek for approval. Such groups argue with people who look for a different truth. An explanation can be provided even for such an illogical union. And what happens? Never-ending fights and search for common truth. How many truths exist in the world? The reasons for seekings of truth are explained through laws of socionics.

Human being has one head, two arms and legs and a torso. It seems simple. At the same time, there are no identical people. Each and every one is unique and irreplaceable. Socionics examines the typical, not the individual. The typical characteristics of a person influences one just as much as the body, eye colour and blood type. Socionics allows to relax, to discontinue role playing, to refrain from pleasing everyone and wearing masks. Acknowledge of socionics lets you to finish having stress and anxiety when someone didn’t understand you again. As well, socionics provides explanation why two lovely people weren’t able to live under one roof.

21th century has bought a lot of advanced technologies regarding teeth fixing, going on vacations etc. Nevertheless, people can’t seem to accept new sciences that have existed for quite a long time and could make a person life a lot easier when dealing with other people, just for meeting a partner with whom it is possible to avoid divorce?

Fundamental information exists for quite a while now to help people get satisfaction throughout the path of life.

With a regret I have to say that inertial mechanism still makes people live by outdated rules. Everyone thinks that the most important thing is to be a good person and the rest will fall down from heaven. This resistance keeps people from treating the world and the relationships between people objectively with the advanced technologies.

Many persons are fearless for donating blood, right? It is common knowledge that there are 4 blood types. Try to guess what forces effect the relationships among people and what kind of `social group` you belong to and what to do with it.

Olga Hodireva, historian of art, practitioner of socionics since 1986.

This is an excerption from a book “Keep away from being changed, just know yourself”, written by Velta Livija Mikelsone, published in Latvian and Russian.